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Reliably, absolutely safe, taking into account the individual characteristics of users

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Achieving realistic goals without health risks

The main objective of the Avi Health project is to monitor and correct the lifestyle of the population in order to improve its health without risks.
This smart analysis system, receiving data from the human body, combines them into a fundamental database of indicators. It shows users a complete picture of correlation between bad habits and the mood, expended energy and food/water consumption, the quality of sleep and emotional component.

As a result, highly motivated people competently adjust their diet, monitor physical activity, psychoemotional state, and undergo medical examinations.
And isn’t this the key to a healthy nation with a high life expectancy?

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5 reasons why you should choose Avi Health score service

About Avi Health Index

Avi Health Index is an indicator of the daily efforts made by the users to improve their health. The following categories are considered: activity, nutrition, mood, where the daily norm corresponds to 100%. If the user has completed everything perfectly, then he gets a 100% result, etc.

About Avi Health Score

Avi Health Score is an indicator that takes into account the individual characteristics of the users (gender, age, height, weight, physical condition, chronic diseases) in relation to their activity, nutrition, mood. This long-term indicator provides real data on timely medical examinations, alcohol/ nicotine abuse.










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