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No limits and no advertising.
Just you and your health!

20 goals for your best results!

Dozens of medical experts have developed 20 SAFE GOALS for each user. Therefore, with the Avi Health score service, your physical and psycho-emotional state is under reliable control!

Just choose your goals and receive daily expert medical support in the form of valuable advice on the following topics: Activity, Nutrition, Sleep, Mood, Vitamins, Specialists, Analyzes and Research.

Ready to amplify your health data??

The Avi Health app is designed to comprehensively track various aspects of an individual’s health and well-being. It captures a range of data to provide a holistic view of one’s physical and mental state. Avi Health App seamlessly synchronizes with Google Fit and Apple Health, enhancing its functionality and accessibility. The synchronization empowers users to leverage their existing data, making it easier to set goals, measure progress, and receive personalized insights.

24,99 $
2, 08 $ per month

No limit targets

No limit habits

No advertising

Discounts from the partners

Extended functionality: Activity, Nutrition, Mood

Trial period 7 days
4,99 $ per month

No limit targets

No limit habits

No advertising

Discounts from the partners

Extended functionality: Activity, Nutrition, Mood

Trial period 7 days

By purchasing a premium account, you provide important support for our further development.

As a result, you get an even better service, help to improve the quality of people’s lives and contribute to the growth of your country’s economy.

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